A call of duty: Hybribio Victory air-inflated lab combats COVID-19 in Hong Kong

2022-03-29 18:00:53 古天乐代言太阳集团 92

The fifth wave of COVID-19 outbreak hits Hong Kong along with variants Omicron and Delta. Since February, the number of confirmed cases has risen substantially, and Hong Kong confronts serious challenge in epidemic control. Recently, Xi Jinping, the General Secretary, issued important instructions to assist Hong Kong in combating the fifth wave of novel coronavirus outbreak, expressing his deep concern for the epidemic in Hong Kong and affectionate care for Hong Kong residents, emphasizing that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government should effectively take up the main responsibility, make controlling the epidemic the top priority task at this time, mobilize all available forces and resources, and take all necessary measures to protect people’s lives and health in Hong Kong, as well as the society's overall stability.

Mobilize all available resources

Assist Hong Kong in suppressing epidemic urgently 

The pursuit of the nation is the pursuit of Hybribio. Hybribio actively responded to the Chinese government's calling for assistance in containing the fifth wave of COVID-19 outbreak in Hong Kong, mobilizing and deploying all available forces and resources to assist Hong Kong.

Mr. Tom T.S. Kun, the Hybribio Group's Deputy General Manager, has been working on the frontlines in Hong Kong since January, uniting the strengths of Hong Kong and mainland teams and establishing a temporary Anti-epidemic Hong Kong operation command. Mr. Tom stated, "From the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak until February of this year, Hybribio Group has completed over 80 million COVID-19 nucleic acid testing." Meanwhile, Hybribio subsidiary Hong Kong Molecular Pathology Center (HKMPDC) has completed a testing volume of over 6 million in total.

Currently, Hybribio is responsible for more than one-third of the testing tasks assigned by the HKSAR government. The epidemic situation is rather urgent and there is no time to waste. Therefore, Hybribio will utilize the strength of the entire group to help Hong Kong to get through the crisis, with a method of combing the strength of HKMPDC and Victory air-inflated lab.


Mr. Tom directed the construction of Victory air-inflated lab 

Mr. K.C. Kun, President of the Hybribio Group, Mr. Longxu Xie, Chief Scientist, and other management personnel promptly organized a general command to combat the epidemic and dispatched over 160 Hybribio employees from across Mainland China to Hong Kong.


Dr. Xie Longxu directs the anti-epidemic work 

Weng Danrong, the Group Deputy General Manager, led the Logistics Department to deploy the first movable high-throughput screening laboratory from the mainland China -- Hybribio Victory air-inflated laboratory, including more than 100 nucleic acid extractors, amplifiers and a large number of testing equipment, consumables and materials, etc. In addition, two extra air-inflated laboratories are available for reinforcement.


A bunch of testing equipment transported to Hong Kong

Dr. Li-Bao Huang of the HKMPDC and Dr. Cui-Ying Zeng of the Clinical Laboratory Scientist led a team to join the Hong Kong Operations Command, connecting the Hybribio Hong Kong laboratory with the Victory air-inflated laboratory, reaching a maximum daily specimen testing capacity of 110,000 tubes.


Dr. Li-Bao Huang



As the Victory air-inflated laboratory constructed

Daily nucleic acid testing capacity increased significantly 

Under the leadership of Director Wu Mingjin and Dr. Xu Feng, Hybribio's emergence medical team in Hong Kong formed a mobile unit and worked hand in hand with colleagues in Hong Kong to quickly build the Victory air-inflated laboratory in Hong Kong Wong Chuk Hang Sports Centre.


Party members in Hybribio support Hong Kong


Hybribio technical team adjusted the fully automated nucleic acid testing instrument

Before the official operation of the Victory air-inflated laboratory, Mr. S.C. Chan, the Secretary for Food and Health of HKSAR, went to Wong Chuk Hang Sports Centre to inspect the Victory air-inflated laboratory and learn about the overall situation including the automated instruments, materials and team status. The tour gave her a high expectation for nucleic acid testing capacity and she expressed her gratitude for the support of Hybribio team. 图片关键词

Mrs. S.C. Chan (the middle lady) inspected Hybribio Victory lab 

In Hong Kong, timing is life in the fight against COVID-19. The effective and orderly implementation of Hybribio Group's supporting work in Hong Kong relies on the strong assistance of a significant number of cooperative suppliers, which improve our efficiency indeed.

Here we would like to thank partners who participated in the fight against the epidemic:

1、Shanghai Hongshi Medical Treatment Technology Co.,Ltd.

2、Broadwell (Shenzhen) Technology Co., Ltd.

3、Qingdao Haier Biomedical Co.,Ltd.

4、Hangzhou Bioer Technology Co.,Ltd.

5、OPS Interior Design Consultant Limited

6、Hi-Speed Supply Chain Limited

7、EDDA Healthcare and Technology Hong Kong Limited
