Hybribio Monkeypox Virus Real-time PCR Kit: A Vital Tool in Combating the Mpox Outbreak

2024-08-24 14:38:23 古天乐代言太阳集团 22

On 14 August 2024, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), declared the escalating monkeypox (mpox) cases in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and other African nations as a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC), in accordance with the 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR).

The emergence of a novel mpox clade, combined with the rapid spread in eastern DRC and the growing confirmed cases in several neighboring countries, has triggered widespread concern. In 2023, a notable rise in reported cases was observed, and this year, the count has surpassed the previous year's figures, with over 15,600 cases and 537 fatalities recorded so far.

The surge in mpox cases shows a tendency of global spread, with confirmed cases of different clades of mpox reported outside of African continent. It is clear that a collaborative international effort from governments, organizations and biotechnology enterprises is crucial to controlling these outbreaks and safeguarding lives.

According to WHO, mpox is an infectious disease caused by the monkeypox virus, which can lead to a painful rash, swollen lymph nodes and fever. While most individuals recover completely, some may experience severe illness. Vaccination can aid in preventing infection among those at risk; however, achieving rapid widespread vaccination poses a significant challenge. Moreover, identifying mpox and distinguishing it from other infections such as chickenpox, scabies and measles, can be difficult due to the similarity in symptoms.

In diagnosis of mpox, the preferred laboratory test is the detection of viral DNA using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In response, Hybribio successfully developed Monkeypox Virus Real-time PCR Kit which received CE certificate following WHO’s declaration of the multi-country outbreak of mpox as a PHEIC in July 2022. The kit is designed for detection of monkeypox virus in human serum, lesion exudate samples, and oropharyngeal swab. The entire experiment, from DNA extraction to PCR amplification, can be completed in 36 minutes, with a high sensitivity of 200 copies/mL. When used in conjunction with Hybribio’s Fully Automated Sample Preparation Liquid Handling System HB-IEX96A, it significantly enhances testing efficiency for large-scale mpox screening.

Hybribio has gained extensive experience from the battle against COVID-19 pandemic, having provided over 900 million COVID-19 DNA tests in China within three years. Now, Hybribio is well-prepared to address the mpox threat with a comprehensive diagnostic solution that incorporates high-quality reagents and automated instruments.

Together, let us safeguard global health and defeat the monkeypox virus!


